dimecres, 18 de març del 2009

Llengua Anglesa


Monday, 16th March:

Dear diary,
When we got to school this morning we went to a big class with all the other groups. A teacher has explained all the activities we have to do this week. We'll be really busy!

Tuesday, 17th March:

Dear diary,
Today was a very tiring day, because all 3 ESO has had to hike to one of the routes that were exiled in 1939, we crossed the border into France on foot. Then we went to MUME (Museu Memorial de l'Exili). We arrived on the excursion at 17:30 in the afteroon. Some members of our group called G-2 diden't like these excursion becouse they walked a lot and were tired, butit was very interesting becouse we learned a lot about the exile.
Dear diary, that's all for to day.

Wednesday, 18th March:
Dear diary,
We went to school this morning. We were doing exercises of Sciences of the Nature and Maths. Later we go to the computer tecnoglogy class, and we worked in our blog.
We finshed at 14:15 in the afternoon.

Thursday, 19th March:

Dear diary,
Today the teachers went on strike at our highschool. It was closed we could not finish the blog here, and we met in the afternoon to finish the all activities in the Anna's house, she is one member of our group.
We finished work on the blog at 12:00 in the night.

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